Panama City Shooting

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
It was a meeting of the regular school to discuss with members on matters of typical school.

And then suddenly, it was the opposite.

"We're in a meeting, and we talk about technology and head lice, and the next thing we know. This guy is a gun in his face," Bill Husfelt, superintendent of the school district of the Bay of Panama City, Florida, on Wednesday.

Clay Duke, 56, sat silently through the meeting until it is time for citizens to submit questions was. Then he approached the front of the room, in red "V" painted with a circle around him to the wall and pulled a small caliber weapon to the room of all is to release six men.

Duke ended up shooting the men, but missed. Stung by a security guard fell to the floor duke, who turned his weapon against him. He was declared dead with a gunshot wound to the head in a local hospital, authorities said. An autopsy is on Wednesday.

"It was surreal," said Husfelt "American Morning." CNN had already, he told us was dying, he was ready to die, and we would die from it ... You could tell by the look in his eyes, it would be a death occurs. "

"If I died, I knew where I was going to end," he said. "But it's a miracle.There is no excuse for it. God has blocked the bullets."

Shortly after the space that was all erased, but the six men. A board member Ginger Littleton slipped into the space behind the Duke with her purse and tried to beat the gun from his hand. He failed, and they fought and the Duke. Little ton finished on the floor, and the Duke cursed him and pointed the gun at her, but not the fire and had to leave the room.

Little ton told CNN Wednesday, he believed he would die, but she left because "he was concerned about my people. They were arranged like ducks in a row. I was basically standing on the same level with them. I knew something bad would happen. That was my only option ... my uncle was three rings of binders and pencils for the protection, and that's it. "

When the Duke was thrown to the ground, "was my thought that the plan has failed and no plan B, which probably not one of the best things I've done," said Littleton.

She said she did not know, why not pull the trigger Duke, but his meaning was "wanted to kill and not kill." Over time, however, "seems to be increasingly willing to do real damage," he said.

A videotape of the cooling of the meeting, out of a live stream on the Internet and CNN affiliate WJHG WMBB Husfelt tries to reason with the duke, the incoherent a speech that had to do with his apparent dismissal of women and started the sales tax. He and the Director General has considered the possibility of finding a job for the wife of a duke or the search box. House said he signed probably finished papers, but could not in the circumstances.

House Duke tried to get other members to leave the room. "Would you let go?Brother's me, of course, why are you here?" The question of the band.

"Like Ginger, we were helpless," said Husfelt. "All we had was all I could do to buy time ... we had. I could sit there and we choose."

At one point Husfelt Duque said. "I do not think anyone is hurt. I feel, what you want, you want to get the police to kill because you are mad because you said to die, but why this is not.? penalty. "

Duke said Husfelt the weapon, which has said. "Please, please do not .." But the Duke expressed as Husfelt and the other feel.

"I said," I was touched. Sure does not hurt, I thought it would be, "he said on Wednesday.

"I was so close, almost, as this unit and has the right to me," said Husfelt. I added "I tried to make a type of hand ... is it all reactionaries. Who knows what to do in this situation?" Everyone was scared and praying a lot, I can say. "

Both Husfelt and Littleton, said Mike Jones, head of security for the school system and a retired policeman, was a hero. House said he heard Jones enter the room after Duke pushed first. Duke fired several shots were more Duke Jones heard.

Both Husfelt and Littleton said that if it was not for Jones, would have had more deaths."Added Mike Jones was just in time, or not much would be more bloodshed," said Husfelt. Hero said he tried to tape, can reach the fire to be seen, even after he was wounded.

"I am very grateful to be here to talk to you," said Husfelt. "It's not something to do what I want, but I am to be so grateful."

"I'm sure he did not expect this kind of event that happened," Sgt Police in Panama City. Jeffrey Becker said on Tuesday. The police have a strong home advantage for the Duke, "said Becker, but were not ready Tuesday night for free. The Duke research includes statements that his wife had of the school district has been denounced. The police were talking to the wife of the Duke" said Becker.

School officials said they were unaware of the importance of spray paint.

However, a Facebook page is part of a Duke of tone. A profile picture of "V" in a red circle with a logo in the film has used "V for Vendetta".

According to Internet Movie Database, is the 2006 film "The Young and freedom fighter known only as" V "(WHO) terrorist tactics used against his totalitarian society to fight. To the rescue of a young girl from the secret police, which is also a better chance of an ally.

CNN could not verify whether the Facebook page was one of the shooter, but it only lists Duke 56 years and living in Panama City, Florida.

A biography on the Facebook page of the duke says: "My Testament: Some people (the media, sponsored by the government) say, it was evil, a monster (V) ... no ... I was just born poor in a rich country, in which the abuse handling, use and economically enslave 95% of the population. Rich Republicans, Democrats, the very rich ... ... we turn polar.  our few dollars ... the pyramid of wealth itself. ... 95% UU. U.S. of A, the neo-slaves in the South. Our teachers, the rich, do what they want with us ... "Under the heading "political opinion" of the Duke marks a "freedom fighter". By religion, he wrote, "humanism".

Duke had a criminal record, authorities said. The website of the Florida Department of Corrections shows he was sentenced to five years in prison in 2000 for aggravated harassment, obstruction of justice and throw or shoot at a vehicle, followed by 10 years of community surveillance.

According to the Panama City News Herald, after six months of harassing a former girlfriend of the Duke women face his home before 20 October 1999. He wore a mask and a jacket and holds two 22-gauge shotguns. He threatened to kill her and kill people and then himself, the newspaper said. When the woman tried to drive, the Duke took a back tire.

Image of Duke in the right side is the Facebook page.

"We are absolutely in shock," said Lee Stafford, Director of Student Services School District. "I was on the third floor, and we saw the live broadcast, and initially thought it was a sham. However, the more I looked. We realized it was a real event and the emergency."

Duke's Facebook's page will appear as the 1972 graduate of King High School in Tampa, Florida. His favorite quote: "You want the truth, cannot do with the truth?" From the film "A Few Good Men".


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