Judgement Day May 21

Friday, May 20, 2011

What are your thoughts on Judgement day May 21? Do you think it will really be the Rapture 2011? According to Family Radio’s Harold Camping based out of California the end of the world is going to come May 21st. He has been scaring thousands of weak minded non Bible reading people into thinking that they are all going to be raptured out.
The news ofJudgement Day May 21 has been running rampant all over the internet since the billboard on the interstate and the vans that are running around with the messages on their sides. There was even a group that went to Washington D.C. to warn people to repent because the Rapture 2011 was coming on May 21st. The only problem is that the Bible says “”However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” Matthew 24:36. True Christians will know this and the rest are just making the true believers look like idiots.
How does Harold Camping say that he knows when Jesus is coming back? He claims that he has calculated 7,000 years from Noah’s flood. Did you know however that he “miscalculated” once before and tried to send us all flying into the sky back in 1994? Don’t pack up guys because Judgement DayMay 21 is not going to happen.


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