End Of The World 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

You can relax. The world is not coming to an end on May 21. I have it on authority.
Ed Hindson, president of the World Prophetic Ministry, a distinguished professor of religion at Liberty University and host of “The King is Coming” on Trinity Network, says so flat out.
Hindson says Harold Camping “doesn’t have the right date.” And it’s not the first time. Camping earlier predicted Rapture for September 1994 and has a backup date of Oct 21 in case he is wrong this time.
Hindson is quite confident that vthe world will go on past Saturday. In fact, he is giving a speech to 10,000 people in California on Sunday, the day after Camping’s doomsday. Presumably those who are planning to come also do not believe that Saturday will be their last day on Earth.
How does Hindson know for sure? “There’s no solid biblical basis” he says. “God doesn’t give us a specific date. Jesus said, nobody knows the day and the hour. The Bible also tells you not to set the date for the second coming.”
Still, Hindson believes that the second coming could be closer than we might think. But he says you have to live life the way you would anyway. He lives by the maxim, “Don’t waste your time, trying to guess the time; be ready all the time, because Jesus could come any time.”
Hindson is among a large segment of Christians who do believe in “end times.” The evidence, he says, that we are getting closer is in the Bible. It says Israel will return to the land. To Hindson that is “a flashing amber light that gets my attention.” He points to the crisis in the Middle East as evidence that wars in the Middle East signal the last days and says, to prepare, “we should work for peace to resolve human conflict.”
The big question then, is will he change his own life to prepare for the second coming? Should we change our lives? Should we stop dieting, cash in all of our chips and take a trip around the world, stop paying taxes, run off with that cutie from the office we’ve had our eye on?
He laughs. “Jesus says, ‘stay busy until I return,’ ” he says. In some cases people may be irresponsibly waiting for Him to come and not taking care of business.”
What about non believers? “You’re in big trouble,” he says, but all is not lost.
“I think the rapture will shock people and cause them to believe. So it’s only the really evil people who will actually be in trouble. “Evil people who don’t believe in God and made evil choices like Hitler and Islamic extremists. When you pick up the sword in the name of God you are violating Jesus’s basic teaching,” he says. Which is one reason he thinks the second coming may happen sooner rather than later.
In terms of evil, enough is enough. “If you’re God and you’ve been reaching out to people for thousands of years,” he says, You want to stop this.”
But Hindson is not at all happy with Camping’s prediction any more than he was over Camping’s previous prediction of Rapture occurring in September 1994. “He should have been more honest and said, ‘whoops, I goofed,’ ” he said. “The danger with what he is doing is that when nothing happens, people will throw the baby out with the bath [water]. It only encourages the scoffers. The Bible predicts there will be scoffers.”
So is Hindson doing anything to prepare for the end, just in case? Not really. “If Jesus comes back, I will be happy,” he says. However there is some conflict. At just 66, he doesn’t want the end to come prematurely. Yet, “the older you get, the sooner you want Jesus to come back because you’re running out of time. “
So what will he tell the 10,000 people on Sunday in Riverside, Calif., assuming we’re all still here?
“My speaking will be unrelated to this prediction,” he says. My emphasis will be on the true signs of the second coming and why this guy is wrong.”
My advice, after speaking with Hindson, and he agrees: We should all keep on flossing.
original version:
End Times
You can relax. The world is not coming to an end on Sat. May 21st. I have it on authority.
Ed Hindson, President of the World Prophetic Ministry, a distinguished professor of religion at Liberty University and host of the TV show “The King is Coming” on TBN, the Trinity Network, says so flat out. Hindson says Harold Camping, Christian radio broadcaster and the predictor of this end times date “is wrong. I’m telling you. He doesn’t have the right date.”
Hindson is so confident Camping is wrong that he is giving a speech to 10,000 people in California on Sunday, the day after doomsday. Presumably those who are planning to come also do no believe that Saturday will be their last day on earth.
Camping was wrong when he predicted the Rapture would occur in Sept 1994 and he’s wrong again this time. And he has a backup date of Oct 21. How does Hindson know for sure? “There’s no solid biblical basis” he says. “God doesn’t give us a specific date Jesus said, nobody knows the day and the hour. The Bible also tells you not to set the date for the second coming.” Hindson believes that the second coming of Christ could be closer than we might think and that we seem to be heading for a crisis in the future. But he says you have to live life the way you would anyway and he lives by the maxim, “Don’t waste your time, trying to guess the time; be ready all the time, because Jesus could come any time.”
Ed Hindson represents a large segment of Christians in this country who do believe in “end times.” The evidence, he says, that we are getting closer is in the Bible. It says that Israel will return to the land. To Hindson that is “a flashing amber light that gets my attention.” He points to the crisis in the Middle East as evidence that the predictions are that wars in the Middle East signal the last days.
What should we do about it? “Christ could come soon. We should work for peace to resolve the human conflict.” He believes that Christ would have to come back in a dramatic fashion so that it would be obvious to the whole world, even non believers. “Every eye will see lightening flashes across the sky.”
Hindson does believe that Christ has said “I will come again. “ He will come back for his own. “And he is definitely more in the Rapture tradition that the destruction of the earth tradition. “Rapture”, he explains, comes from the latin “Rapto” which means caught up.
The biggest question then arises, will he change his life to prepare for the second coming? Should we change our lives? Should we stop dieting, cash in all of our chips and take a trip around the world, stop paying taxes, run off with that cutie from the office we’ve had our eye on?
He laughs. “Jesus says, ‘stay busy until I return,” he says. In some cases people may be irresponsibly waiting for him to come and not taking care of business. “ He thinks we should be focused on helping people be ready. What about non believers? “You’re in big trouble,” he says. All is not lost though, for non believers. “I think the Rapture will shock people and cause them to believe. So it’s only the really evil people who will actually be in trouble. “Evil people who don’t believe in God and made evil choices like Hitler and Islamic extremists. When you pick up the sword in the name of God you are violating Jesus’s basic teaching,” he says..Which is one reason he thinks the second coming may happen sooner rather than later. In terms of evil, enough is enough. “If you’re God and you’ve been reaching out to people for thousands of years,” he says, You want to stop this.”.
Nevertheless, Hindson is really not happy with Camping’s prediction any more than he was over the 1994 prediction. “He should have been more honest and said, “whoops, I goofed,” he said. “The danger with what he is doing is that when nothing happens, people will throw the baby out with the bath. It only encourages the scoffers. The Bible predicts there will be scoffers. “ He says people are “probably laughing at” Camping. And that he is worried that for most Christians “we all get blamed for it.”
Is Ed Hindson doing anything to prepared for the end, just in case? Not really. “If Jesus comes back,” he says, “I will be happy,” though he would be “concerned for people who aren’t believers.” However he is conflicted. He admits that he doesn’t want” the end to come prematurely. He’s only 66. Yet, “the older you get, the sooner you want Jesus to come back because you’re running out of time. “
So what will he tell the 10,000 people on Sunday in Riverside California, assuming we’re all still here?
“My speaking will be unrelated to this prediction,” he says. My emphasis will be on the true signs of the second coming and why this guy is wrong.”
My advice, after speaking with Hindson, and he agrees: We should all keep on flossing.


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