Andrew Cuomo

Saturday, January 1, 2011
In his speech today in inAlbany Capitol, the first governor, Andrew Cuomo told the story of his first visit to the venerable building when he was in his early twenties.
As I walked through the corridors of marble, he said, the governor of New York No. 56, was impressed by the size and beauty of the building. But he was impressed with the office work.
Then Governor Hugh Carey and the father of the governor, then vice-governor Mario Cuomo. During walking, Cuomo said he began to think that maybe I could one day do what they could maybe one day we in the public sector to work for the community, good things.
"Maybe one day," he said.
It is a day as governor, has arrived. But do not be a sinecure.
The state faces a deficit of up to $ 1000000000 and a projected deficit of $ 10000000000 in the budget before 1 April. The people of the state, Cuomo said, have lost confidence in the government - and told me not to blame.
Before the opening ceremony at noon, the governor was Andrew Cuomo a private meeting with his Cabinet at 8:30 clock, the first listing on a public list that its determination was against the global financial and ethical status of the fight.
"The Government in Albany," The words have become a national auction, he said, standing on the podium. "And the joke is on us."
Cuomo discreet opening ceremony began with the inauguration of other state officials. New lawyer Eric Schneiderman spent shaking hands with Chief Justice Lippman, who for a punch instead of enthusiasts. New State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and Lieutenant Governor Robert Duffy, the former mayor was sworn in immediately after ofRochester.
Governor Cuomo, who was sworn in officially at night during a private ceremony and kicked the rule into effect at midnight. He took the stage this afternoon, flanked by his father, his mother Matilda, his three daughters and his friend, the chef and Food Network host Sandra Lee. He received a standing ovation before speaking on the panel and provides a long list of thanks. He thanked his father taught him everything he knows. He made special mention of thanks to outgoing Governor David Paterson, a man who said: "He was captain of the ship, the ship was heading into a storm." He explained why the ceremony was small.
"I know a big ceremony or luxury would be appropriate," he said. "If you really do something, act and help people in the state of New York and led by the government -.. Then we celebrate a big party and not before"
With this he began his project to create a state of crisis, from top to bottom.
"We have a very specific mandate for change that people want," he said, noting that the population of the state has decided to implement this change. He said he plans to help file a property tax to limit New York burdened by rising costs and prevent the State to "capital tax" of the nation.
Cuomo said he would "re-inventing financial emergency plan" in the State of the State address next week, reducing the size of state government and local communities and make New York debt.
"It will be difficult, he acknowledged," but I think we can, we must start with a new attitude to start a new reality reflected. "
The new reality is bleak, he added, saying he would not be easy. But he promised to lose no time, and the introduction of a "bold agenda" for immediate action.
"No baby steps, my friends," he said. "We need change and we need them now."
He promised more transparency and openness in Albany, a city was "shrouded in a veil of secrecy", he did not hear the people but special interests and lobbyists. Cuomo, promised a new covenant the two parties are working towards a common goal of prosperity and the Government of the fixation.
"They are the first to democrats, republicans or independent - are the New York premiere at the New, and we must act," he said, leading to applause.
The governor has been sometimes passionate, a change in the structure of the displayed restraint and calm in the campaign. He promised to open the Capitol - not only in theory, but physically, by the abolition of a country outside the ordinary people and the future promotion of the beautiful buildings and see what happens in the capital.
"We need people to accompany me," he says in his plan to rebuild the broken government is now responsible. He said he is trust, integrity, restore talent, professionalism, decency and respect.
Rebuilt by reducing what the government said, he might think about his first time walking into the building was, and rebuild what the Administration should be again. "


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