Provo Tabernacle

Friday, December 17, 2010
The historic Provo Tabernacle was severely damaged by fire Friday morning from unknown sources and authorities fear he will now be demolished.
The four alarm fire would begin on the second floor of the Church of Jesus Christ, was reported at 2:43 Provo when fire units arrived smoke and flames from the top of the window structure and facades.
Fire Battalion Chief Lynn Schofield said the team initially tried to tackle the fire in the interior of the landmark battle moved at 100 S. University Avenue and have been reinforced because of the heat. Schofield said torsion of the structure, decorated hallways, balconies and wooden benches - with its heavy wood and brick construction of the 19 Century - an additional risk to staff.
About 4:45 the collapse of the roof of the tent. The crew had been removed before, and no reported injuries. At 7:45, the reports have show up as cracks in exterior walls of the first floor of two floors.
About 25 firefighters, three trucks and drivers pour over half a dozen other fires with water on the flames appeared undiminished by 6 clock as flames and smoke. Traffic in the area was limited.
The cause of the fire has not been determined, and the investigation is just beginning. However, it was a film crew from Brigham Young University filming a Christmas concert in the building late Thursday night.
LDS Church spokesman Scott Trotter called the fire "tragic", said the building "is not only for our members and the community, but is a reminder of the pioneering spirit that built in Utah.
"The damage was serious, and even provides a structural assessment is not known whether this historical treasure can be saved," he added.
The structure is on the National Register of United States of Historic Places. The construction of the Tabernacle, with its unique octagonal towers at each corner, was launched in 1883 and was completed in 1898 at a price of $ 100,000. Because of the defective roof, which was condemned in 1918 and partially renovated since then.
The building was built in 1949, when the roof began to fall convicted. More renovation it reopened a year later and has since led to the meetings of the church and used for cultural events - including the staging of Handel's "Messiah" during the holiday per year.
City officials in Provo provided security later on Friday extended to assess the structure and determine whether it should be torn down.
The stands are larger than the frequent meetings of Mormons, or chapels, holds the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day religious services. Feast of Tabernacles also differ in the nature and purpose of the temple of the Church, especially for sacred ordinances, such as weddings and baptisms reserved for the dead. The stands are usually devoted to meetings of the combination of several municipalities.


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