Luke Worrall

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Do not Fuck Kelly Osbourne, because it slam on Twitter! OK! This review that the 26-year-old police host has Twitter launched a tirade about her ex-boyfriend, model Luke Worrall, said that she cheated with men and women.

  Kelly, on holiday in London with his mother, father and siblings. Kelly began on Monday with uncertain sad holiday Tweets ... and Tuesday, it was striker Lucas explicitly. He writes:

  "I've just discovered something that my feelings is hurt so bad, and Christmas was going so well ... What do you do when someone is in the darker path, and try to tell the person who log 2, but not ? believe "

  "I think the best thing that you painted the two is madness 1, when all I did was tell the truth to be honest to the gods"

  "@ Luke_worrall is the biggest piece of shit that tries to come back w / me I'm coming home for Christmas to see what it also means"was

  "Fucking 100 girls as the men behind me all he did was with my girls @ Luke_worral nursing a cat is to serve!"

  "I have used my money and free travel Fortunately, I'm not spreading the truth about what he did hole!"

  "It's the worst thing that happened to me is, I do not care what happens to

  "I am interested and will always be a good April 2 @ ur sweet face is pretty far luke_worrall because u not to back over the head "

  Finally finished: "Do not think, that was so stupid that made fun of me away from Twitter for a while I never felt my heart as an obstacle in my life "

  Lucas only reply: "No, because I will not shed personal belongings with Twitter, I'm not so deep!"

  I agree with Luke, but if he did what Kelly said yes, which is already very low!


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