Mitch Daniels

Friday, May 13, 2011

Indiana governor Mitch Daniels offered little hint on whether he will enter the 2012 Republican presidential campaign, instead simply telling supporters “I’m not saying I won’t do it.”
Mr. Daniels, who is seen as one of the front-runners for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, told a group of supporters Tuesday night that he is still weighing the consequences of seeking the nomination.
You have to decide if this is really the way you want to spend maybe the rest of your life, and is it the right thing for your family,” Mr. Daniels said as supporters chanted “Run, Mitch, Run.” Mr. Daniels has flirted with entering the race for months, however, he has provided little clue as to whether he will make the next move.
Mississippi governor Haley Barbour’s announcement not to seek the nomination earlier this month may increase the chances of a Daniels campaign. Both Mr. Barbour and Mr. Daniels are close friends and the Indiana Republican had said he would enter the campaign only if Mr. Barbour did not seek the nomination.
Yet, it seems concerns related to media scrutiny aimed at his wife and family is driving a hard bargain for Mr. Daniels. The Indiana governor has expressed concerns as his wife, Cheri, has remained outside of the spotlight during his terms as governor.
Ms. Daniels expressed her sentiment related to the issue during a speech Thursday night, noting that the concern extends beyond her. “It’s not just me,” Cheri Daniels said. “I have four daughters, and I have three sons-in-law, and everybody has a voice.”
That said, a number of Republican strategists say they window for a Daniels entry is closing quickly. Already, a number of potential candidates have made it official, including Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former House speaker Newt Gingrich.


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