CBS Survivor

Monday, May 16, 2011

CBS Survivor

It's a happy ending for cancer survivor Matt Groft, who had his prosthetic leg stolen during a break-in just weeks ago.
"The support has been amazing. Just unbelievable," said Groft. "The help that we've gotten and the love people have shown is something I never expected."
Earlier this month, someone broke into the Groft's Glendale home and stole many items, including Groft's prosthetic leg, which costs about $15,000 to replace.
Shortly after CBS 5 News aired the story, the newsroom was flooded with calls and e-mails from viewers who wanted to help.
Valley businessman George Brazil stepped up first, donating a check for $5,000.
Nadine Durham also "paid it forward," donating $1,000.
Durham recently lost her leg in a helicopter crash.
"My dad always taught me to help people in need, because you never know when you may be in need," said Durham.
Prosthetics specialist Joe Pongratz donated $5,000 for the parts and fabrication of Groft's new leg and production was under way.
Friday morning, Groft was back on both feet again, walking around the medical office, trying out his new leg.
Groft said the best part is being able to walk over and play with his 2-year-old daughter Lucy.
"Being able to be with my daughter and have a new baby on the way, I know now that I will be able to hold them, and walk with them," said Groft. "It's really great."
"To continue to be part of this, I hope everyone will take a little bit from it and pay it forward to the next person," said Pongratz. "I just want for everyone to acknowledge there are people in need and to give a little bit, it doesn't take a lot."


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