Weight Loss

Saturday, January 1, 2011
An online health and New York-based company Michigan Health wants to help fat in their life, and you will pay money to do residents.

Just in time for New Year's resolutions to lose weight, healthy wage {T} {M} (www.HealthyWage.com) announced a competition to lose weight in the entire state of Michigan called Matchup.

It encourages family members, friends and neighbors to form groups of five for a total of $ 18,000 to compete in cash. In addition, the demand of companies team up against teams from other companies to compete.

Final day of registration - - 15 April The teams will compete for a prize of $ 10,000, which will be the team with the highest percentage of weight loss of 08 January. The team is in second place will receive $ 5,000 and third place team will receive $ 3,000.

"Bragging rights of having the competition in teams of five against family, friends and work colleagues, and to revive prize money in order to take advantage of our network model shown to motivate and keep losing weight," said co-founder David healthy wage Roddenberry in a press release. "Scientific studies show that obesity spreads through social networks and are likely to invest through social networks."

Each participant must pay a registration fee of $ 60 and a weight at the beginning and end of the competition in a local gym. More than 90 participating health clubs support and serve Michigan weighing in places.

Participants will also receive an additional prize of $ 100, when combined with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 and achieve a BMI below 25 start after one year.

Grand Rapids Personal Trainer Mighty Joe Stankowski, the creator of "Training not Suck" support for fitness programs (www.ThisWorkout.com), will serve as official spokesman and attorney candidates, support and motivation from week through telephone conferences.


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