Ticket City Bowl

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Texas Tech had its best first half in a bowling for almost a decade on Saturday.

    The Red Raiders led 24-6 Northwestern the halfway mark of the pot at the Cotton Bowl Stadium ticket city - its biggest advantage half-time in a playoff game since 2002 Tangerine Bowl against Clemson.

    Defense Tech Taylor Potts and were instrumental in the comfortable lead, put the team in a position to win their first playoff game at historic stadium in Dallas. The top quarter, completed 26 of 33 passes for 243 yards and a touchdown in Austin Zouzalik Lyle and Leon, who had seven receptions for 97 yards in the first half.

    The Red Raiders held in the northwest to 159 yards, 78 were on the plate for the Wildcats score. Freshman Quart Kain Colter completed a training session with a 1-yard hit, and was the best running back leading the game in the first half with 49 yards on nine carries.

    Three injured in Tech dominant first half performance is slow. Waddle LaAdrian offensive lineman has linebacker Bront Bird and safety Brett Dewhurst the game with a sprained left knee and will be evaluated in the locker room.


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