New Years Pictures

Monday, December 27, 2010
Ah, the digital camera. It's great to get rid of the film, but sometimes I think that to not have to run out of film at a party of photographers has to take care of us lazy. Given the incredible how our digital cameras are now and how much work is done by us, you should really take better pictures, we should not do?Yes, of course, but I know there are a few tips to help you if you have a point-n-Shoot, SLR, or to photograph even use the iPhone.
Watch your background. People do not really strange things on their head (or anywhere else for that matter). So, just before the shot, pause and make sure that what the background will not blow your most "interesting" that had intended.Don concern when errors now as then, our advantages. Caught in the focus you, and forget to look around to make sure that the shot is actually correct.Backlight ruin a great shot. If you're in a dark room and are the object in front of a sunny window, you can be almost certain that the room was dark and the window bright.It "very, very difficult to obtain for the cameras at the correct exposure. Many digital SLRs and even the iPhone allows you to select a point of focus and exposure, but do not count to save his skin all the time. Your best bet is to try to keep the bright light behind your songs are better informed.The third rule rocks. You know, if you see an image of good and exactly the same when you look wrong and can not say exactly why? It is very likely the rule of thirds. If the viewfinder (or image) into three vertically and horizontally, you get a simple network. The theme of the picture must be along a line or where they intersect. Why? Because it only looks good if do.Some Digital cameras give you the grid in the viewfinder as a guide, but after a while becomes second nature. In essence, the upper third, where the head of the person who should be aligned and in the middle or one or the other side. I will teach you how to use a photo I took on my iPhone work.The original image with the overlay network of the hand as a reference not bad, as I said after a while becomes second nature, however, is changing a little visual culture.See the curb cut on one of the points of connection between the picture is a different feeling. If a picture frame so you get that look. Practice what you want.Just say no to the flash glare. Although I use natural light to shoot, try whenever possible, sometimes you take pictures with flash. The problem is that most of the time a bright flash as the shot that did not. Do not worry, there is something incredibly easy to solve this problem: the band. Yeah, just a piece of semi-transparent ribbon in the lightning and the lightning was gone very well done. In a pinch you can use a paper towel or cloth. The result, if you do not believe what the other until you try. It is really amazing.Believe it or not, these four tips to make a big difference on how your travel photos must be given. Of course there are many more that I can share, but are still four more readily to bring you the most for your money.


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