Kindle 3

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The 3 Kindle exceeded the sale of an item on for Christmas, what is the best seller of all time for online retailers. Not even Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows can not have with the eReader, which sold 47 million take in 2010. Kindle Wi-Fi and 3G seems to Kindle sales of 14 November and 19 December, reached its peak, according to CNET.

    Other products that have been shown the best seller "Inception" Blockbuster and Kayne West "My Dark Fantasy Beautiful Twisted" have MP3 bestsellers. You may have guessed, Black Ops is the best video game sales during the Christmas season.

    Despite the success of Kindle, Amazon is still 15% below the market price and eReader does not appear in the future will be better. A ChangeWave survey of more than 2,800 consumers showed that the proportion of users "very satisfied" with the Tablet PC IPAD was higher than the Kindle.


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