College Bowl Picks

Friday, December 17, 2010
College takes a bowl and choose the NFL Week 15, Vikings Bears play at TCF Bank. When the area was hit with a blizzard normal life was paralyzed. It was thought that NFL games would also be affected greatly by the snowfall. But nothing was done. Reports surfaced that the Vikings-Bears runs a buzz about the game as planned. This is good news for fans of the game

To strengthen the morale of the players and fans of the NFL was Vice President in person at the TCF Bank Stadium in Minneapolis. He was there in the snowy ground. However, many expressed their deep concern about the safety of the players.

It is more likely that some players may be frozen on the ground were injured. Eric Grubman, said crews are working overtime to clear snow and ice from the outdoors. Efforts are made to ensure that the game is not affected in any way. He said .. "We plan to play here if we at this time we do not find what we do''

Eric will be held the party in the cold. There is no other city came to the game, the Indianapolis Colts were the first to celebrate their request, the party at Lucas Oil Stadium host expressed. However, the offers were rejected by Eric. He said that football is a sport "is cold wather and therefore not necessary to change the game elsewhere. But many in the industry, which means that it just means that the authorities consider certain fears.

It was noted that Buffalo and Kansas City to play in outdoor stadiums. Interestingly, most of their games, no heating, a senior official in the NFL. No claim is registered players think they are interested in touching the ground. However, the important question: what about the fans? Will they come to see in large numbers, their stars flew out in the cold?


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