Rahul Gandhi

Friday, December 17, 2010
Rahul Gandhi, who was widely regarded as an Indian prime minister in waiting, believe that Hindu extremists, a greater threat to their country, said Islamic militants, a tow cable to U.S. diplomats on Friday.

Gandhi, heir to the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, India's political, "said U.S. Ambassador Timothy Roemer last year that it was" a kind of support "among Muslims in India to activists groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba - blamed for the attacks in Mumbai in 2008.

"But Gandhi said the biggest threat so as to create the growth of Hindu radical groups, religious tensions and political disputes with the Muslim community," said the cable published by the website Wikileaks.

The opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has to comments filtered spokesman Prakash Javdekar accused Gandhi and her party to respond to the Congress of bias.

"You do not know what India and the Indian mind that this represents. To call the most dangerous Hindu Lashkar-e-Taiba, the product of a sick mind," said Javdekar AFP.

In a statement released Thursday, Gandhi said that "terrorism and sectarianism of all kinds," was a threat to India.

"We must continue to guard against acts of terrorism of all kinds, regardless of who commits it," he said.

Gandhi political conflict erupted in October when comparing a group of Hindu students with the right of the banned Islamic Movement of India, say the two ideologies preached the fundamentalist hardliners.

Gandhi was a Prime Minister in waiting view, and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hinted to the press in May that we can spend per day for the politicians of 40 years.

After India's independence from Britain in 1947, the power in the last Congress Great Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, father, grandmother Indira Gandhi and Rajiv later his father - who were all prime ministers.

is now an Italian from his mother Sonia, the party chairman and is considered the most influential politician in India.


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