Ong Eng WU Dies

Thursday, December 16, 2010
21 years, believes that Singapore Mountaineering in New Zealand UNROP died last week after a fall from 800 meters summit.
TVNZ New Zealand media, was Mr Ong Eng Wu, who is considered an international student ID card in Melbourne, during the ascent of the mountain at 3033 meters candidates near Wanaka, New Zealand.
Mr Ong and his companion rose from 20 years ago, the male climax last fall when climbing. His companion was able to reach the summit of aid, where he met treated with other parts.
Wanaka police said they were alerted at 6:50.
SAR Land alpine cliff rescue team leader Gary Dickson said the two men believed to about 200 meters from the top of the mountain, if Mr Ong "somewhat" fallen to about 800 meters into a crevasse.
Mr. Dickson, who was involved in the rescue operation, said he understood that the two men were on the rise "UNROP" and added that it was not unusual.
"(But) it is the most dangerous climb to the cliff UNROP.
"Do everything right and if the consequences are not great," he said.
a lifeline in a helicopter - - on the site to retrieve the body of Mr Ong give Constable Mike Johnston was in the words of TVNZ rescue team used to quote a leather strap. Mr Ong body was found in a column of four meters deep at the foot of the mountain.
Climbing partner Mr Ong then helped down the mountain with two guides.
Mr Ong family was alerted to the accident by the Singapore High Commission in New Zealand on Wednesday afternoon.
The youngest of four brothers, Mr. Ong has described as a happy person and stronger in the family.
28 years, Lance Ong said his younger brother was passionate about climbing.
"He began to learn climbing five years ago. Began to increase with Safra and later when we went to Trinity College in Australia, he joined the Mountaineering Club and then returned to serve his NS. He came back and continued the practice and training in mountain climbing. "
Mr Ong body should be repatriated to Singapore on Friday night.
The investigation was launched in New Zealand on behalf of the coroner to find out what the death of Mr Ong.


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