NYS Unemployment

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Barack Obama signed the law law tax cuts. The measure will extend all the Bush tax cuts on income for two years and reduce the wage tax from 6.2% to 4.2%.

The measure also extends unemployment benefits for an additional period of 13 months. This is good news for the unemployed, who bombed the New York State Department of Labor with an important question: if the controls?

Will not last long as the work of Commissioner Colleen Gardner, of the money will be distributed in the middle of next week, and most people will receive benefits in two weeks, said.

However, this law is not at all. omitted: 99ers, who have exhausted their benefits. Among them, Bruce Himes. He has more control, "said Himes, who help pay some bills. But that's all.

"For people who have lost their extension - I was in suspense before - and will always have the option to the next level of achievement is great," said Himes. "Congress really against the 99ers would be."

Himes had a job interview recently and hopes to be back soon.

be sent to more than 40 million than 124,000 New York next week.


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