North Korea

Friday, December 17, 2010
North and South Korea raised the stakes in the confrontation in the Yellow Sea to the challenges, analysts say, makes it difficult for both sides back down slightly.
Facing South Korea plans to live fire exercise on the island that North Korea on 23 November pounded by a murderous artillery fire behavior undertook to make the North blows to self-defense "is" the intensity and reach, "much wider than before.
Pyongyang Korean Central News Agency published a statement attributed to a Colonel of anonymity, under a series of efforts, the tensions on the rise, to facilitate a visit to the New Mexico governor, Bill Richardson Pyongyang.
"It's worse than a game of chicken," said Han Sung-joo, a former foreign minister of South Korea, who is also ambassador to the United States have been. "We must wait."
However, North Korea said splitter, South Korean analysts, the South with the exercises planned to continue in the coming days.
"It can not stop doing South Korea, what do you intend to do," said Mr. Han, who currently chairs the influential Institute of Asan in Seoul North Korea regards the statement. "This is not the first time the breath. "
Governor Richardson Visits
One reason North Korea can not repeat the attack last month on the island of Yeonpyeong, in which two Marines from South Korea and two civilians were killed, the visit of Governor Richardson, accompanied by a team of CNN, Pyongyang.
"I'm probably show you the uranium enrichment," said Han. "This should be a sufficiently serious danger."
After talks on Friday with North Korean officials, Richardson is scheduled to visit the Yongbyon nuclear facility in North Korea, north of Pyongyang, North Korea almost the installation of a 20-megawatt reactor closed for highly enriched uranium production.
North Korea has completed the installation of a United States delegation led by nuclear physicist Siegfried Hecker, in November, two weeks before the program attack.The Yeonpyeong uranium is an important step on the production of nuclear weapons in North Korean plutonium at its base by a child five megawatt reactor in the same complex incorporated. North Korea has carried out two underground tests of plutonium devices and is believed to be preparing uranium to a device within a few months to test.
The presence of the CNN team was led by Wolf Blitzer, for the purpose of the visit of Richardson. "Movie of the CNN program," says Han. "This is good propaganda for them."
The question now is whether Richardson will remain in Pyongyang, where the shells fired into southern waters south of the island Yeonpyong.
North Korea says the area within its territorial limits, although founded in the south of the northern boundary line, created by the United States and South Korea after the Korean War. The North has defied the line in a series of incidents in recent years.
Richardson, who three times before visited Pyongyang said he hopes that his trip "to make a difference" in efforts to achieve peace.
stronger position in South Korea
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has harsh criticism for what a weak response to the attack on 23 November considered received.
South Korean marines about 80 balls in vaguely defined objectives of North Korea in response to the strike by North Korea in which North Korea fired grenades twice as many Yeonpyeong fired.
"South Korea should do exercises," said Choi Jin-Wook, director of the North Korea analyst at the Korea Institute for National Unification. "If you lose too much face."
The exercises will be an important test for the new Defense Minister of the Republic of Korea, Kim Kwan-jin, a former chairman of the Joint Staff, South Korea, which threatened to respond to attacks has focused on the positions of North Korea if the North attacks again. A central question is whether there is for air strikes against targets in North Korea - the highest since the Korean War.
Pyongyang Korean Central News Agency called Kim "a puppy who knows no fear of an object" in a comment on what he said was the South at the stage of the "Roaring Twenties provided.
Mr Choi said North Korea made an effort to draw the attention of Washington and Beijing to capture - and get the help they need further negotiations. In fact, U.S. Secretary of State James Steinberg, in Beijing on Friday for a mission to persuade China to end North Korea pressure on the confrontation.
Choi, however, doubt whether the mission is successful. "The trains on tracks in opposite directions," he said. "It's like they bring about to crash. North Korea could not help, and South Korea can not help it. You will lose support if they do. 


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