Music Bank

Friday, December 17, 2010
SISTAR Hyorin discussed his feelings about the nickname "the girl of fractures after a recent accident during his recent performance of" Music Bank back.

    Dry ice was "How dare you can do it" by-phase of stage lights strong, which they draw from it had contributed divisions appeared to be melted.

    At that time, Internet users expressed their concern to leave comments like "I wonder if he was injured" and "Before it is now Hyorin Bora. Sorry, could not protect."

    Hyorin reflects .. "At first I was very angry I almost cried after I make Bora trying to get me by saying she fell and was not that I have unfortunately had made a mistake console finished our power back. but decided that the next time Times are better. "

    Bora said: "Hyorin is a perfectionist when we do what we think is great to repeat, it is not satisfied .." Hyorin continued: "Honestly, I never contradicted all of our platforms, because I think we did a good job in the display an entire floor, we will work harder in the future.."

    Regardless of these various humps get the girls on the ladder of success, such as the Internet have praised her vocal talent, and left right after his return.


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