Jobs In A Jiffy

Friday, December 17, 2010
Earlier this year, 31 years old, decided to give up on Nayan Khinvasara a well paid job and start their own business.
I wanted a job portal that is designed for enterprise and small businesses to create. I knew from experience that finding the right talent is a major challenge for these companies because they do not fit balance of profits and other luxuries from established companies provided.
Khinvasara decided he wanted to educate people about the benefits of working in new enterprises and in the process of building a business.
However, things were not easy and discovered that things take a while to materialize as expected.
Even the search for a name for the portal has proven itself as a challenge, because all domain names that we were happy already taken. That's when, while talking with his wife on the day, he said, "I do something that would happen in an instant."
And that is how you set the name of your company - working in a heartbeat.
In an interaction with Khinvasara discussed the tribulations of entrepreneurship and how to hire a new company differs from the setting of an established company.
The biggest challenge I had, and I think in any business, the challenge of overcoming the fear of failure's face.
If you are ensconced in a routine and used to bring home a paycheck at the end to get healthy, it is difficult, the uncertainty and insecurity to go up a business.
Inevitably, something must be done to your routine and change your perspective to be an entrepreneur. In my case it was a short battle with a serious illness that kept me away from my job for 3 months served as a catalyst.
Although I had always thought and spoke of "something for me, I could use this time away from the office to really introspection and crystallize my ideas.
If you start small businesses and India on the list of problems that they ask in view, would be to work in the top of his list.
Although recruitment for the implementation once went to work, we are facing great difficulties in finding qualified candidates to fill open positions. Candidates contacted, 80 percent would refuse to say they were not interested in a start-up.
The lack of infrastructure, no job security and pay less packaging were the reasons.
On the other hand, we find some team members feel good to work with a new company, to acquire the unique experience it offers.
They were like-minded people who do not mind long hours and hard work, only to see the impact on the progress of the organization.
My experience with these team members and others in various small businesses said that the ecosystem needs to communicate to those candidates with the right kind of new businesses.
Jobs at a time in early 2010 ordered to be a little easier to recruit new Indian companies and SMEs.
A start-up offers a comprehensive development, with rapid growth opportunities because the employee has to do too much multitasking and is responsible for a lot of responsibility from the start.
A general launch of its employees are more creative freedom. They like to think their men outside the box "and come to intelligent solutions that can be put on the market.
In addition, the office environment is warm and the people even after the top. This creates a more productive work environment and a sense of accomplishment.
However, the most lucrative incentives at work for a startup stock options that are planned for early carpenters.
There are many examples of members of the team, the starting point of the vast financial rewards gained by the ESOP.
Jobs in a second focuses on three areas of recruitment particularly suitable for small and new:
1. Lease
Many companies have employees of the skeleton worst of the recession are starting to hire workers under contract reduced.
Leasing makes sense when the economic situation remains fragile, and the company does not want to rent their financial resources to commit full-time permanent.
In addition, committed employees are generally on board with the idea of a common project or providing a range of skills set in the selection.
2. Just-in-time setting
Currently, the main objective of the Talent Acquisition team changed its recruitment of qualified generic resources to meet future strategic enterprises shock ramp had hired "to demand just in time to the company.
This ensures that the delivery times are reduced for new employees and the cost for companies because they have not received a bank.
3. Consulting / Freelancing
Get independent requires the mastery of experience, commitment, integrity, flexibility and trust.
Although things may difficult at first, the benefits may very well be self-employed is still good enough job and entrepreneurial.
independent work and counseling, a small percentage of contracts in India, but recent developments show more professional bent to them.


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