CRPF Recruitment 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010
On 25 August 2010, the Interior Minister of the Union, P. Chidambaram said: "While 2009 was a significant improvement compared to 2008 is the year 2010, we found a dramatic decrease in incidents and accidents in the North East." Also found that it had only 464 cases to 15 August 2010 in comparison with 1297 and 1561 for the years 2009 and 2008 respectively. But the state has the second lowest in the Northeast, according to a second April 2010 The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MHA), the liberation of Assam, [Manipur has classified the worst affected] has been witness to some disturbing events, despite a general improvement and the neutralization of a number of assets insurgent groups.
According to the website of terrorism in Southeast Asia (SATP) database, a total of 158 people, including 98 militants, 48 civilians and 12 personnel of security forces (SF), were killed in 417 incidents in 2010 (all dates until December 5), compared with 392, including 196 fighters, 175 civilians and 21 members of staff from San Francisco, died in 753 incidents in 2009, reflecting a decline 59.69 per cent per cent of deaths and activism, and a decrease of 72.57 percent in the killing of civilians in 2010 to 2009 compared, which visited a considerable improvement in the security scenario in the State State.The by 10 major accidents (with which three or more deaths) in 2010, compared to 24 in 2009. The major events of 2010 include:
8. November: At least 19 people, including 13 Hindi-speaking people were killed and several others injured, was a fighter of the anti-talk faction of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB-ATF) was a massacre in five districts of the Assam.
3. October: Police shot dead four NDFB-ATF executives at a meeting in a wooded area in Dhemaji district Dekatan and rescued a kidnapped trader, Nandy cotton.
30. July: At least five Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) were killed and wounded 33, the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) militants triggered an improvised explosive device (IED) and the explosion damaged a bus Bhalukdubi Goalpara district.
26. July: Four Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) personnel, including a deputy commander, were killed and three wounded in an ambush by the NDFB, ATF Panbari Amlaiguri police station in Chirang district along the border with Bhutan.
1. March: four suspected militants Bengali Tiger Force (BTF) at a meeting with the Structural Funds in the district of Darrang Chéreng Shapori were slaughtered.
2. January: Unknown fighters shot and killed three people, including two conferences fraction NDFB-Pro (TFP NDFB) tables and a student Bilifang Basumatary (20) in Kokrajhar district in Gossaigaon Mukuldang police station. A truck driver and two other students were injured in an armed attack.
The NDFB has developed the ATF as the most violent militant group in the state, despite the fact that the survivors feared group United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), the band until 2009 the most. The NDFB has been involved in 30 murders of civilians in 2010, compared with four ULFA. 18 militants were killed in 14 incidents of ULFA, NDFB, while the color has lost 56 of 42 incidents a year. 25 of these images have been killed identified as members of the NDFB, ATF, in 23 incidents. The reports are not conclusive on the membership of fatal accidents in the remaining incidents.
While the NDFB-ATF was a massacre, the NDFB PTF was a truce with the government since 23 September 2009 committed, and has remained mostly out of her activism. As expected, 29 January 2010-PTF NDFB announced that they participate in the elections Bodo Territorial Council in Assam. The elections were held 9th April 2010, and the Popular Front won a majority Bodoland. The role of the NDFB PTF, however, was unclear. On 1 February 2010, a delegation met with Speaker PTF Center NDFB in Assam, PC Haldar, for a quick solution to the impasse press by the establishment of an independent state for Indigenous and Tribal Assam. Since the PTF is NDFB peace talks on first Committed in July 2010, Union Government extended the ceasefire agreement with him for six months to 31 December 2010. Meanwhile, November 19-43 organizations, political and apolitical Bodo-connected to the National Conference Bodo form - a common platform for the various problems that solve the Bodo people. The conference was created to try to convince President NDFB Ranjan Daimary-ATF join the peace talks and also to peace and unity among the Bodo tribe and live in areas that ensure Bodo. On 18 November 2010 distributed NDFB cadres PTF a card that a separate Bodoland participants of the National Convention is Bodo. The board consists of nine districts. NDFB leaders insisted that a resolution be adopted the Convention on the basis of the map. Although some important decisions were adopted at the national convention two days was the subject of Bodoland state not included in the new series of resolutions, as it is one of the oldest community requires Bodo.
ULFA skills are, of course, was decimated after the capture or surrender of most of its dome. However, elements continue to keep the survivors to a violent attempt. In June, would a group of senior ULFA 10 in the city of Guwahati come to carry out the extortion directed subversive activities of the "Commander" of "'709th battalion of the ULFA, Hira Sarani. Collected after partial data by SATP ULFA was in nine cases of extortion years 2010 participated, compared with 21 in 2009 reported. ULFA had launched a campaign of extortion in April 2010 launched and served extortion notices to people in different parts of Assam. 2 November report said the hardline of ULFA 'Commander in Chief Barua " out Paresh and tried a new campaign to recruit the destructive forces to fill the organization run. Senior police sources, the team's recruitment campaign in Assam had districts started later. but it claimed that the sources are not ULFA had recruited a significant number of young people.
But the first February 2010, proposed by the Union government peace talks with the ULFA. Immediately after the 2nd ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa rejected in February, in prison since 4 December 2009, the offer and said he could not talk to the government during his imprisonment Rajkhowa was second in Bangladesh Arrested in December 2009 and forwarded, along with nine others, the Border Security Force (BSF) personnel in the field office in Dawki 4th December Jaintia Hills district. Meanwhile Paresh Barua, in a statement via e-mail, 21 April said: "There is no question of talks without the question of sovereignty on the agenda of the talks without an agreement the question of sovereignty would colonial forces are .."
On 27 November 2010, however, said to begin the Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi of peace talks between the ULFA and the Centre in January 2011. On 7 November 2010, he remarked. "We expressed our hope for the peace process started in December before the opening of peace negotiations, all jailed ULFA leaders on bail, we can (do) not be released, although the state government is not against the release of imprisoned. ULFA leader released on bail, which from the farm. "However, the government announced four prominent leaders of the ULFA, Raju Baruah, Pranati Deka, Pradip Gogoi and Bhimkanta Buragohain.
In other important issues to the state, 11 February 2010, approximately 400 participants from the hills of North Carolina Karbi Longre Liberation Front (KLNLF) laid their weapons and the government resulted in an official ceremony in Diphu, about 270 km south of Guwahati. Teron Correa, secretary-general "of the KLNLF, said:" First, it is an armed struggle to solve our problems began, now we are trying to solve political, "After the surrender of the militants KLNLF, Union Home Secretary GK Pillai said February 22, 2010, the government. and peace talks with groups like Dima Halam Daogah (DHD), United initiated Democratic People's Republic of Solidarity (UPDS), KLNLF, NDFB and ULFA-PTF and would have no more divisions in Assam. Meanwhile, decided the anti KLNLF Faction talks, October 28, 2010 to to protest his support base in the population of the district Diphu calling the District 24 hours bandh (strike test General) October 30 against the alleged murder of his paintings for the Structural Funds, in partnership with KLNLF bases currently the ceasefire. But no report on speaks to a general strike.
On 3 November 2010 informed the state government, the Union MHA on the participation of members of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland - Isak-Muivah (NSCN-IM) in illegal activities such as extortion in Assam. The issue has also reported in monitoring the ceasefire in Nagaland Committee was composed of representatives of central government and the militant group.
It is worrying that a report of the 5th November 2010, citing police sources have indicated that the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) has links with the Popular Army for the Adivasi (APA) meeting in Sonitpur district established with the support of the ULFA. This was in the examination of Tarjan Majhi "district commander of the People's Liberation Army Sonitpur discovered. Majhi was arrested with five others on 3rd November 2010, Sonitpur under Bhairabguri Dhekiajuli Police Station District said. Majhi that" Sergeant Major "an ULFA, had the arms the formation of APP in the Udalguri district Majbat delivered and helped them in contact with the Maoists. The district commander, said in APA Gossaigaon Kokrajhar district, it had set a large number of APA members and bought weapons.
Assam strategy against terrorism continue to be disproportionately dependent on the central paramilitary forces (CPMF). Beginning of 2009 150 companies of CPMF were used in the state. According to government sources, the number has reached 100 companies in 2010. However, the state government has the view that the current strength is not the central powers of the state enough is expressed. The Center for his part, expressed the view that reducing the overall improvement of law and order within the state, do you justify the strength of the ULFA and several other groups for a ceasefire to enter government CPMF withdrawal of some neighborhoods, so that a force sufficient to work against the NDFB-ATF in the areas of their trade. Union Minister P. Chidambaram, on his visit to the States 12 November 2010, after the murders NDFB between 8-ATF and 10 November, called for the government to mobilize its police battalions in reserve for use in NDFB-ATF-affected areas in order to launch an offensive with the military. The State Government was requested to fill the vacancies - in 6000 - to fight in his police against the insurgents and stabilize the survivors, operating earnings in recent years.
Assam has a population of 172 police per 100, 000, better than all India average of 124, but the lowest of any state in the north of problems. Tarun Gogoi Chief Minister at a conference of Chief Ministers on internal security in New Delhi 7th to speak February 2010, said the Assam government proposes the setting of 4,100 police officers in June 2010. He said that the letter would be 2401 of the appointment of police officers in June 2010, leading to a drop in the vacancy rate in the police only 1239th The state government also has the hiring of 10,000 officers and 3,500 Police Home Guard (FS), including 1,500 in major markets used to be approved and 2,000 in the national highways and roads used to be iron. The Government of Assam also proposes to the level of police sanctioned by 50 percent in stages over the next four years to increase. But given the dismal state of the financial profile, the implementation of these ambitious plans seem unlikely.
Assam has made significant progress against the insurgents in recent years, partly because of operational success, partly due to random factors such as posture change of the regime of Bangladesh, and partly because several groups have simply succumbed to exhaustion. However, it is clear that some groups remain substantial spare capacity, and others - worrying that the Maoists - are waiting for the gap between the fill. As the disturbing story concerns the rebellion, Assam is still far out of the woods.


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